iTunes‎ Login

Logging in to your account with Apple is no more difficult than logging into your email inbox. It is easy to do no matter what country you are in, be it Mexico or the UK and most places where you may access the Internet. Here is how you log in, regain your profile information, and reset your password.

How I login to my iTunes‎ account online

Logging in to your account (iTunes‎ Login) is uniform in manner no matter where you are in the world, from Canada down to Australia you only need do the same thing. Enter your username and your password. The same is true if you want to log into any of their branded online products, such as their App Store.

Sign in to manage your Apple ID

What if I forgot my Apple ID?

What if I forgot my Apple IDMany people find they have forgotten their sign-in information, but luckily, they have an information recovery system/function you can access and use without credit card information.

Click the “Forgot Apple ID” link on the iTunes Login page and it takes you to a screen where you enter your first name, last name and email address.

A reminder message is sent to your email inbox.

What if I forget my password?

You can regain your password for free by clicking the “Forgot my password” link on the login page. This is the same page you use when you log out so you can login as different user. To maintain tight security, they do not use your billing information, but may use a secret word/answer to reset your password.

Reset your Apple password

They ask you to enter your username and lead you to send a reset email to yourself. Follow the instructions on the email and you may set a new password.

How do I create a new ID?

You need to go to and enter your details into the browser.

Create an Apple ID

You must also pick your profile details and new password. You are also asked for answers to security questions so you can reset your account or password if you forget your password or you think you have been hacked.

If you are worried that your profile has been compromised, ask yourself if any of the following are happening.

  • Unusual activity that you are certain you didn’t perform
  • Downloads you didn’t order
  • Unexpected charges
  • Messages about use from different devices
  • Requests to change your password that you didn’t send

If you do come across anything like this, or there is activity that you cannot explain, then change your password and get in touch with customer support if the problem persists. Starting a new profile should be a last resort at best if you think you have been hacked.

Logging in to your profile is easier than ever, and whether you are using your iPhone, MAC or iPad, you will find it easy to log in, regain your profile information and change your password.
Logging in to your account with Apple is no more difficult than logging into your email inbox. It is easy to do no matter what country you are in, be it Mexico or the UK and most places where you may access the Internet. Here is how you log in, regain your profile information, and reset your password. How I login to my iTunes‎ account online Logging in to your account (iTunes‎ Login) is uniform in manner no matter where you are in the world, from Canada down to Australia you only need do the same thing. Enter your username…

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