Creating a new Capital One credit card account is straight-forward, and will enable you to check your account balance, apply for credit, and make payments easier than ever before. You will be able to set up a new account if you have a Mastercard, GM Card, Discover card, or Venture card if you are Capital One customer residing in the USA.
Sign In on Capital One Credit Card login Page
To login to your Capital One credit card account, you will need to visit the Capital One website (, and choose the ‘sign in‘ option, which is located on the navigation bar at the top of the page. You will then need to choose the ‘credit cards‘ option from the drop-down menu and enter the username you provided when you first registered for the service. There are a number of benefits to logging into your online account:
- You will be able to make payments on the Capital One website and manage your finances.
- You will be able to access your monthly statements online, and set up email alerts to make it easier to manage your payments.
- You can also access old statements and view your PIN online.
There are separate sign in pages if you are Capital One customer residing in Canada or the UK.
Forgot Username?
If you have forgotten your username, you will need to click on the ‘forgot username?‘ option which is located beneath the ‘username‘ entry field.
To retrieve your username, enter your Capital One bank account number, or 16 digit credit number. You will also need to enter the last four digits of your social security number. Once you have entered this information, follow the on-screen instructions in order to retrieve your username.
Forgot Password?
If you have forgotten your password, you will need to enter the username that you set up when your first registered for the service, as well as the last four digits of your social security number. Once you have entered this information, follow the on-screen instructions in order to set up a new password.
Create Capital One credit card account
To set up Capital One online banking, you will need to click on ‘enroll here‘, which is located beneath the ‘username‘ entry field on the sign in page.
You will need to follow the on-screen instructions, and enter your Capital One account number, social security number, and a valid email address when prompted. You will also need to enter the three digit security code on a recently-issued credit card that has been sent to you by Capital One. Once you have registered for an online account, you will receive a confirmation to the email address you provided.
If you have difficulty logging into your online account, or don’t have the required information to hand, you will be able to contact a company representative by calling the Capital One customer phone number. A Frequently Asked Questions section also provides a number of solutions to login problems that you might be experiencing.